Fail-Words: The Most Popular Passwords (and Why They’re the Worst)

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Sophie Turner

September 13, 2024

Fail-Words: The Most Popular Passwords (and Why They’re the Worst)

Based on our decade-long experience in the online privacy and cybersecurity space, we have observed a recurring issue that continues to compromise user security: the use of weak and predictable passwords.

Despite numerous warnings and high-profile data breaches, many individuals still rely on easily guessable passwords. This not only puts their personal information at risk but also jeopardizes the security of the platforms they use. In this article, we will delve into the most popular passwords and explain why they are the worst choices for safeguarding your online presence.

Passwords like '123456', 'password', and 'qwerty' are alarmingly common. These passwords are often the first ones hackers try when attempting to gain unauthorized access to accounts. The simplicity and predictability of these passwords make them highly vulnerable to brute force attacks, where automated systems try numerous combinations until they find the correct one.

Pro Tip:

Use a password manager to generate and store complex passwords. This ensures that each of your accounts has a unique and strong password without the need to remember them all.


Never reuse passwords across multiple accounts. If one account is compromised, all others using the same password are at risk.