DigiTeck Wireless Printing Mat Doorbell and Alarm Systems

I”ve always found the field of Alarm Systems to be incredibly intriguing. The blend of technology and security, the constant innovation, and the peace of mind it brings to users is what makes this category so fascinating. With my years of expertise in this field, I”ve had the opportunity to test and review numerous products. The DigiTeck Wireless Printing Mat Doorbell and Alarm Systems is one such product that has caught my attention.

        The DigiTeck Wireless Printing Mat Doorbell is a unique product that combines the functionality of a doorbell and an alarm system. I was particularly impressed by the pressure mat feature, which is cleverly hidden under a door mat and triggers an alarm when someone steps on it. The open radio distance of over 40 metres and the high volume 100dB alarm sound are features that I found to be very effective during my testing.

DigiTeck Wireless Printing Mat Doorbell and Alarm Systems

        I would highly recommend the DigiTeck Wireless Printing Mat Doorbell and Alarm Systems to homeowners and businesses looking for a reliable and innovative security solution. The product”s ability to serve as both a doorbell and an alarm system makes it a versatile choice. Moreover, the product”s high-volume alarm sound and long-range open radio distance ensure that you are promptly alerted in case of any security breaches.

        However, like any product, the DigiTeck Wireless Printing Mat Doorbell and Alarm Systems has its pros and cons. Advantages include: easy installation, high-volume alarm sound, long-range open radio distance, versatile functionality, and innovative pressure mat feature. Disadvantages include: the product is battery operated which may require frequent replacements, and the mat size may not be suitable for all door entrances.


  • Easy installation
  • High-volume alarm sound
  • Long-range open radio distance
  • Versatile functionality
  • Innovative pressure mat feature


  • Product is battery operated
  • Mat size may not be suitable for all door entrances


The DigiTeck Wireless Printing Mat Doorbell and Alarm Systems is a unique and innovative product that serves as both a doorbell and an alarm system.

The product”s high-volume alarm sound and long-range open radio distance ensure that you are promptly alerted in case of any security breaches.However, the product is battery operated and the mat size may not be suitable for all door entrances.

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