Kaiheng Power Failure Alarm 120dB Automatic Power Failure Alarm

Now is a great time to compare and contrast the Kaiheng Power Failure Alarm 120dB with other products in the market. With several years of expertise in Alarm Systems, I can confidently say that this product stands out in its category. The high voltage monitoring sensitivity and the input voltage range monitoring are features that I have tested and found to be quite impressive. The compatibility of this alarm system with other monitoring systems is also a big plus.

        One of the things I love about the Kaiheng Power Failure Alarm 120dB is its loud sound. The alarm volume can reach more than 120 dB, which is loud enough to alert anyone in the vicinity of a power failure. This feature, coupled with the fact that the alarm will sound continuously until the battery runs out, makes it a reliable system for any home, office, or business.

Kaiheng Power Failure Alarm 120dB Automatic Power Failure Alarm

        I would recommend the Kaiheng Power Failure Alarm 120dB to anyone in need of a reliable alarm system. It”s particularly useful for telecommunication rooms, hospitals, farms, industrial and mining companies, and even household refrigerators. However, it”s important to note that the product uses an ordinary 6F22 (DC9V) battery, which is not included in the package. Therefore, you”ll need to purchase the battery separately.

        Despite its many advantages, the Kaiheng Power Failure Alarm 120dB has a few drawbacks. For instance, you need to manually turn on the power switch of the product after switching it on. Also, the number of alarms and duration are different, or the alarm sound becomes smaller, and the battery needs to be replaced in time. It”s recommended to replace the battery every 6 months.


  • High voltage monitoring sensitivity
  • Good compatibility with other alarm systems
  • Loud alarm sound
  • Continuous alarm until battery runs out
  • Wide application


  • Battery not included
  • Need to manually turn on the power switch
  • Battery needs to be replaced every 6 months


The Kaiheng Power Failure Alarm 120dB is a reliable alarm system with high voltage monitoring sensitivity and good compatibility with other alarm systems.

Despite its advantages, the product has a few drawbacks such as the need to manually turn on the power switch and the need to replace the battery every 6 months.

Overall, the Kaiheng Power Failure Alarm 120dB is a great investment for anyone in need of a reliable alarm system.

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